Remer Family Photos

This is just a small selection of the REMER family photos I have.
See the instructions on downloading all my photos for how to download everything.

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Unsure of the two men on the left. Maybe Nick Mertes and Ed Remer. After that it's Carl Remer, Helen Remer, Charles Remer and Anna Remer (mother).

Remers with Teresa Mertes Fisher and her daughter Christine

Remers in costume.


This unidentified hotel was with Helen Remer's pictures. It may be one that Samuel Remer operated in the late 1800s.

Anna and Carl REMER

From Left: Edward, Bill, Anna, Carl, and Helen Remer - 1965

Helen and Carl Remer about 1920

Charles REMER with daughter Anna

Anna Mertes Remer

Anna and Charles Remer

Helen REMER (top right) at Madison School

Helen REMER 1927

Helen REMER as teenager.

Helen REMER about 1926.

Remer Brothers Garage at 13th and Z.

Fountain built by Carl Remer.



I can be reached at DonMooreDXer (at symbol) Yahoo (period) com.