SDR Spectrum Recordings Archive

These recordings were made on my travels over the past several years. Recordings from 2016 to 2018 and the 2019 recording from Argentina and Uruguay were made using an Afedri SDR-NET receiver. The others were made with an Elad FDM-S2 except for the Europe and Morocco files, which were made with a pair of Airspy HF+ Discovery receivers. The recording software was usually HDSDR for the Afedri, the Elad native program or HDSDR for the FDM-S2, and either HDSDR or SDR-Console for the Airspys. The Latin American recordings are almost all medium wave save for an occasional longwave or shortwave one. For the Latin American recordings the antenna was always some form of large wire loop (10 to 40 meters circumference) with a Wellbrook ALA-100LN. The European and Moroccan recordings were made with a PA0RDT mini-whip. Underlined locations have multiple days of overnight top-of-hour recordings.


2019 - Boquete (near Costa Rica)

United States

Various years - Pennsylvania - Backed up here is a selection of spectrum recordings made near Bellefonte, in rural central Pennsylvania, between 2009 and 2016. Almost all of these were made with BOG (beverage-on-the-ground) antennas of various lengths pointed towards either Europe or South America.

Copyright 2024 Don Moore